Twenty minutes into the pilot episode and I've got half of a National Book Store receipt filled with quotes (I couldn't find any other scrap paper). This is an insightful new series where Matthew Perry (Chandler of Friends fame) reinvents himself as Matt. He gets all the punchlines right. Yeah, he's a good actor!
JERRY: Get him off or you don't have a job tomorrow.
CAL: I'm running a live national broadcast, can you threaten me later?
MATT: I had them move the follow-spot over. I said "He's never not been there for me", and then there was a klieg light on a basket of dinner rolls.
MATT: I'll bond you.
DANNY: What?
MATT: I'll pay for the bond.
DANNY: How much money do you have?
MATT: Well, with my alimony and my percent of the first dollar gross on this movie...65 dollars.
MATT: Why didn't you tell me? When I screw up you know about it.
DANNY: When you screw up I read about it.
MATT: No, I tell you, you're the first one I tell. Now we're back in the NFL and only one of us can screw up at a time and I think we both know that most of the time it's gonna be me. You're the big shoulders.
DANNY: I hear you.
MATT: Good, 'cause I'm pretty stoned right now and I can't really remember what I said.
http://www.studio60theseries.com Labels: studio 60, tv