One sweet day (with Mark) among many
The legal realist Karl Llewelyn wrote, "the working Constitution is amended whenever the basic ways of government are changed." What I think he was trying to say is that we should not rely too much on the text of the Constitution or the language of any authoritative text as a source of security, and that the kind of democracy we signed up for may be altered through interpretation by those who hold public power. Thus, we should scrutinize not only what the Constitution says, but what the President says it means; that we should rely not simply on what the President says, but on what she actually does. If we fail to heed this advice, we might find ourselves holding the same Constitution, but with an entirely different meaning.-Atty. Hilbay of Bantay Katarungan
J1: Let's publish in the newsbar: "Victorious. A's Jessup team over B's."
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies. - Aristotle
I was in a place much like where the Little Prince finds himself with a mathematician (or was it an accountant?). My feet were touching sand, my eyes were stung by strong winds, a fabric of a skirt swishing between my legs. Whenever I tried hard enough I could see the curve of the planet I was standing on. Further on was the bottom of another planet looming ahead.
It was post-finals April last year when I went to see this film on my own. I was to go out later that night with some guy I considered my partner in fabricating shit, truth and lies. We're still very good friends. Only, we've stopped with the shit and lies.
It was always you all of my lifetime
This piece was published in the Palladium on January of last year. I still find it relevant in light of Edsa 2006. "Edsa 1 is a failure," said Imee Marcos. So it seems.