Saturday, March 11, 2006

I'm a lime tree

Lime trees - those whose birth dates fall on Sep 13 to Sep 22

Tilia is a genus of over 30 species. Generally called lime trees, they are large deciduous trees, reaching typically 20-40m tall, with oblique-cordate leaves 6-20cm across, and are found through the north temperate regions. The exact number of species is subject to considerable uncertainty, as many or most of the species will hybridise readily, both in the wild and in cultivation; the following list comprises those most widely accepted. (from wikipedia)

Lime Tree (Doubt) - intelligent, hard working, acceptswhat lifedishes out, but not before trying to change bad circumstancesinto good ones, hates fighting and stress, enjoysgetaway vacations, mayappear tough, but is actually soft and relenting,always willingto make sacrifices for family and friends, has many talents but not always enoughtime to use them, can become a complainer, greatleadershipqualities, is jealous at times but extremely loyal.

If you want to know what tree are you, I'll send you the tree test over email :)


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