Saturday, April 22, 2006


We're all falling. The hand here is falling.
And look at the other one. It's in them all.
And yet there is Someone whose hands
Infinitely calm, holding up all this falling.

-Rainier Maria Rilke, Autumn

It was your steady gaze that broke the news to me.
You carried yourself as gracefully as you did
back in our old high school days when we sang bitter songs
of regret, of hate, of knowing full well that it is we
who know how our life should be handled,
we who should be left alone.

I left you alone.
I was not there when your soft eyes bore tears
as testaments to much more unsung songs
stories that you hid from me and which, effectively
excluded me.

All I know now is that you're happy
You've gone out of that bodily prison that bound you so tightly.

Spring is unfolding everywhere,
around me,


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